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Learn about the Book Writer
Frederick D. Harper, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Counseling, Howard University
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, The Journal of Negro Education
Former Managing Editor, The International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling [sic]
Former Editor, Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development
Formal Higher Education
Postdoctoral Study, Experimental Psychology, George Mason University
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Center for Alcohol Education Ph.D., Florida State University; Counselor Education
Summer Study, Jacksonville University, Elementary Education
M.Ed., Florida A&M University, Guidance and Counseling
B.S., Edward Waters College (now Edward Waters University), Social Sciences.
Administrative Leadership in a School of Education
Co-Director, Doctoral Counseling Psychology Program, January 2004-January 2005
(An APA-accredited doctoral training program)
Chairman, Department of Human Development and Psychoeducational Studies, 1996-1998
(A department of 17 full-time faculty, eight Adjunct faculty, one bachelor’s degree program, five master’s degree and six certificate degree programs, and three doctoral degree programs)
Chairman, Department of Psychoeducational Studies, 1992-1994
(A department of 11 full-time faculty members, 7 Adjunct faculty, four master's and certificate, degree programs, and three doctoral degree programs)
Director of Graduate Studies, 1991-1992
(Coordinated qualifying examinations of graduate students in the School of Education, chaired the Graduate Studies Committee, coordinated the processing of dissertation students, and presided over all doctoral dissertation defenses in the School; Also, developed the Bennetta Washington Memorial Dissertation Award during this period)
Coordinator of the Counseling Program Served Four Terms: 1973-1974, 1975-1977, 1980-1983, and 1990-1991
(Improved existing programs and developed a number of new programs including master’s and doctoral degree programs)


Scholarly and Professional Leadership
Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Negro Education, July 1, 2004-2008
(The oldest, continuously published Black educational journal in the U.S., since 1932 —a refereed journal)
Managing Editor, International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling [sic], 1998-2002
(A refereed journal published by Springer Publishers); First American and first Black to become editor of this journal—a refereed journal)
Editor, Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 1991-1995
(The major multicultural counseling journal of the American Counseling Association—a refereed journal)
President, DC Counseling Association, 1990-1991
(Chief executive of the state-equivalent association for counseling; served one year each as President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President)
Chairman, NASDTEC Accreditation Committee, 1984
(Chaired the NASDTEC accreditation review committee for evaluation of the School of Education and Human Development, George Washington University)
Business and Community Leadership
Founder, President, Douglass Publishers 1976 to 2001
Founder, President, College and Community Consultants 1975 to 1977
Founder (at age 18) and President of the Progressive Youngmen’s Club 1961-1967
A city-wide youth, educational, civic, and social justice organization
College/University Student Leadership
President of the Student Government Association in undergraduate college
President of the Junior Class in undergraduate college
President of the Black Students’ Union at Florida State University
Co-founder and Vice President of the NAACP college chapter at Edward Waters University

Conference Papers Presented
118 Conference Papers Presented
(Papers presented at professional conferences or meetings, including international conferences in Mumbai, India; Thessaloniki, Greece; Paris, France; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Utrecht, the Netherlands; Dublin, Ireland; and Stockholm, Sweden)
Publications, Research, and Theory Development
One Hundred sixteen (116) Publications (including 35 Books/Monographs)
(Books, monographs, book chapters, articles, editorials, and book reviews)
Selected Editorials, The Journal of Negro Education
Harper, F. D. (2008, Winter). Editor’s Comment: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Remembering after 40 years. The Journal of Negro Education, 76, 1.
Dawkins, M. P., & Harper, F. D. (2006, Summer). Guest editorial to special issue: Research and its impact on educational policy and practice. The Journal of Negro Education, 75, 319-321.
Harper, F. D. (2006, Spring). Editor’s Comment: The complete bibliography of The Journal of Negro Education, 1932-2006. The Journal of Negro Education, 75, 73-83.
Harper, F. D. (2006, Winter). Editor’s Comment: To rename or remain The Journal of Negro Education. The Journal of Negro Education, 75, 1-3.
Harper, F. D. (2005, Fall). Editor’s Comment: Rosa Parks and our challenge for the future. The Journal of Negro Education, 74, 295-296.
Harper, F. D. (2005, Summer). Editor’s Comment: A tribute to Kenneth B. Clark. The Journal of Negro Education, 74, 199-200.
Sample of Other Publications
Harper, F. D. (2024). I am I. Seattle, WA: Amazon Books.
Harper, F. D. (2023). God had my back. Seattle, WA: Amazon Books.
Harper, F. D. (2022). Prayers, meditations, and revelations. Seattle, WA: Amazon Books.
Harper, F. D. (2022). Surviving cancer: Poetry and prose. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris.
Harper, F. D. (2021). Black elder speaks. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris.
Harper, F. D. (2020). The stories. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris. [Autobiographical]
Harper, F. D. (2018). Toward a theory of everything. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris.
Harper, F. D. (2017). Ijamama speaks; Wisdom of a Black sistah from the urban hood. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris. [a Satire]
Harper, F. D. (2015). Toward human extinction: A warning. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris.
Harper, F. D. (2013). It’s Not Too Late. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris.
Harper, F. D. (2013). On social justice, climate change, and human destiny. Bloomington, IN:Xlibris.
Harper, F. D. (2012). Tributes. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris.
Harper, F. D. (2011). The Durabone prophecies. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse. [a Novel]
Harper, F. D. (2009). Time and Timing. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse.
Harper, F. D., Terry, L. M., Twiggs, R. (2009). Counseling strategies with Black boys and Black men: Implications for policy. The Journal of Negro Education, 78, 216-232.
Harper, F. D. (2008). Beyond Fear. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse.
Harper, F. D., & Guilbault, M. (2008). Maslow’s hierarchy of basic needs. In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Harper, F. D. (2007). The light within us. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse.
Harper, F. D. (2007). Recent developments, current status, and enduring legacy of The Journal of Negro Education. The Journal of Negro Education, 76, 464-477.
Harper, F. D., Guilbault, M., Tucker, T., & Austin, T. (2007). Happiness as a goal of counseling. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 29, 123-136.
Harper, F. D. (2007). Transitions in life and to death. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse.
Harper, F. D. (2006). Writing research reports and scholarly manuscripts for journal publication: Pitfalls and promises. The Journal of Negro Education, 75, 322-340.
Harper, F. D. (2005). Spiritual teacher speaks. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse.
Harper, F. D. (2004). Poems for young people. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse.
Harper, F. D., Grant, T., Montgomery, K. N. (2004). African Americans and alcohol use: Implications for prevention and intervention. In I. Livingston (Ed.), Handbook of Black American health: Policies and issues behind disparities in health (2nd ed., pp. 344-354). Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Harper, F. D., Harper, J. A., & Stills, A. B. (2003). Counseling children in crisis based on Maslow’s hierarchy of basic needs. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 25, 11-25.
Harper, F. D. (2003). God’s gifts: Spiritual writings. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse.
Harper, F. D., & McFadden, J. (Eds.). (2003). Culture and counseling: New approaches. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Empirical or Evidence-Based Research
Chaired 20 dissertations and served as a member on numerous other dissertation committees
Carried out a number of studies related to psychology, counseling, and education
Served as editor of three peer-review or refereed research journals
Conducted one of the first two studies in the country on the psychological benefits of jogging
Collaborated and consulted on research projects and panels in the USA
Theory Development
Developed the theory of “Total Body Management”
Co-Developed the counseling theory of “Transcendent Counseling” with Dr. W. O. Stone—
the first comprehensive theory for counseling African-Americans*
Coined and developed the term “Jogotherapy” (systematic therapeutic uses of jogging)
Developed an “Etiological Theory of Drinking Behaviors among African-Americans”
Coined the term “Afrinesian” in developing a theory of ethnic identity.
*Note, I hyphenate African-American for sociopolitical reasons.
Teaching Experiences in Higher Education
College and University Teaching Related to Counseling, Psychology, and Education: Full-time, Part-time, and Visiting Professor
Howard University 1970-2012, tenured (1973), Full Professor (since 1978)
Johns Hopkins University, Adjunct Professor, 1994-1995
George Washington University, Adjunct Professor, 1991
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Adjunct Professor, 1987-1988
University of the Virgin Islands, Visiting Professor, summer, 1983
University of the District of Columbia, Adjunct Professor, 1982
Florida A&M University, Visiting Professor, summer, 1970
Edward Waters University, Visiting Instructor, summer, 1967
Selected College and University Courses Taught Related to Counseling and Psychology
Alcohol/Drug Counseling
Biological Bases of Behavior
Educational Psychology
General Psychology
Group Counseling
Group Psychotherapy
Introduction to Counseling and Psychotherapy
Multicultural Counseling and Psychotherapy
Practicum in Counseling
Research in Counseling Seminar
Seminar in Counseling and Psychotherapy
Supervision in Counseling Psychology
Supervision of Group Psychotherapy
Techniques and Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy
College and University Courses Taught Related to Teacher Education
Educational Sociology
Educational Psychology
Secondary School Curriculum
Teaching the Socially Disadvantaged
High School and Adult School Teacher, 1965-1966 Stanton Vocational High School, Jacksonville, FL (Duval County)
(Simultaneously held two full-time teaching positions; Taught courses in social studies and English)
Professional and Community Services (Without Compensation)
Reviewer or Editorial Board Member with 11 Scholarly Journals
The Journal of Negro Education
Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk
Journal of Counseling and Development
International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling
Educational Studies
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development
Journal of Studies on Alcohol

Journal of Black Psychology
The ECCSSA Journal
Alcohol, Health and Research World
Editor of Three Scholarly Refereed Journals
The Journal of Negro Education, 2004-2008
International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 1998-2002
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 1991-1995
President-Elect, President, Immediate Past President, DC Counseling Association, 1989-1992
Member, Board of Directors, National Council on Alcoholism, 1974-1978
Speeches and Lectures; Community and School Consultation
Proposal Reading and Chairman of Proposal-Reading Committees
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Maternal and ChildHealth Bureau, “Healthy Start Initiatives,” February 2005
U.S. Department of Education, “School Leadership Program,” July, 2002
U.S. Department of Education, “Alaska Native Program,” July, 2002
U.S. Department of Education, “Transition to Teaching Program,” July, 2001, August 2002
U.S. Department of Education, “Advanced Placement Incentive Program,” June, 2001
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, “Healthy Start Initiatives,” April 2001
U.S. Department of Education, “Safe and Drug-Free School Program,” April, 2000
U.S. Department of Education, “Elementary School Counseling Demonstration Program,” June, 2000
U.S. Department of Education, “Women’s Educational Equity Program,” 1999, September 2002
Honors and Awards
“Lifetime Achievement Award,” 2009
Theta Phi Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
“The Distinguished Alumni Award,” 2009
Edward Waters University
“Lifetime Achievement Award,” 2008
Howard University, $3,000 Cash Award
“Exemplary Scholarship and Leadership Award As Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Negro Education,” 2008
School of Education, Howard University
“Distinguished Elder Award,” 2007 [Name changed to: “The Frederick D. Harper Distinguished Elder Award” in 2008]
National Association of Black Counseling Psychologists
“Distinguished Book Author Award,” 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009
Howard University
“Professor of the Year,” 2000
School of Education Award by the Department
“Outstanding Career Achievements in Counseling,” 1995
DC Counseling Association
“Outstanding Service Award as Journal Editor,” 1991-1995
Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development
“Outstanding and Dedicated Service Award as Department Chairman,” 1994
By students and faculty of the Department of Psychoeducational Studies
“Outstanding Service Award as President,” 1991
DC Counseling Association
“Distinguished Alumni Award,” 1986
National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education, NAFEO
“Distinguished Research Award,” 1976
Howard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; one of seven faculty members honored from the entire University for outstanding research and scholarship
Program Development and Grants
Dr. Bennetta B. Washington Memorial Dissertation Award, established 1991
As Director of Graduate Studies, wrote a proposal to develop a $1000 Award each year for the best doctoral dissertation; $15,000 in startup funds were generated from former Mayor of Washington, DC, Walter E. Washington and other contributors.
Ph.D. and Ed.D. Degrees in Counseling Psychology, established 1982
As Coordinator of the Counseling Program, was the primary author of a proposal to establish the doctorate in Counseling Psychology—approved and initiated in 1982; APA accredited, 2002, APA reaccredited, 2006 and 2015.
M.Ed., M.A., Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study Degrees in Counseling Psychology, established 1980
As Coordinator of the Counseling Program, was the sole author of a proposal to establish master’s and advanced certificate degree programs in Counseling Psychology.
Dr. Charles H. Thompson Lecture-Colloquium Series, established 1980
As a member of the Editorial Board of The Journal of Negro Education, originated the idea for a “living memorial” to honor Dr. Charles H. Thompson, founder of The Journal. Also, served as chairman of the initial organizing committee for the Lecture-Colloquium Series.
Student Affairs-School of Education Assistantship Program, since 1976
As Coordinator of the Counseling Program, wrote a proposal for a joint program with the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs to develop an assistantship program for graduate students in counseling to work as graduate assistants in the Division of Student Affairs (Howard University); more than $1,500,000 in financial aid to graduate students in counseling have been awarded since the initiation of the program in 1976.
Dr. Martin Luther King Scholarship Fund, since 1969
As the first Black Counselor in the University Counseling Center of Florida State University, developed this Scholarship Fund through the Financial Aid Office; that is, based on initial University seed money plus external and internal contributions to the Fund.
Florida State University Black Cultural Center, since 1969
In the position of Black Students’ Advisor, wrote the initial proposal for the development of a Black Cultural Center that would focus on the history, culture, music, and art of African Americans.
Milestones and Personal Achievements
Personal Achievement of Jogging more than 47,000 miles in 123 cities, since 1972
First American and First African-American to Become Managing Editor of the International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling
[British spelling of “Counselling”]
First African-American to Present a Keynote Paper At the Opening Session, Annual Conference of the International Association for Counselling
At the UNESCO Building in Paris, France, 1998
First African-American Male to Receive the Ph.D. in Counselor Education From Florida State University in 1970
First African-American Counselor Employed in the Counseling Center at Florida State University, as a doctoral student, in 1969
Carried Out One of the First Two Research Studies in the Country (1975) That Documented Multiple Psychological Outcomes of Jogging, According to Fixx’s (1977) book, The Complete Book of Running
One of the First Two African American Faculty Members Employed at The Florida Junior College at Jacksonville in 1967-1968 (Now named Florida State College at Jacksonville.)
(Both of us were employed the same year as counselors in the Counseling Center, although we were classified as faculty. There were no Black faculty during that year.

Graduated summa cum laude, M.Ed., Florida A & M University
Creative Accomplishments

22 Books of Educational/Therapeutic Poems (More Than 1500 Poems)
Various poems have been translated into Spanish, reprinted in publications, and recorded on CD by artist Napoleon “Nap” Turner; poems were read regularly for more than 15 years on Washington, DC’s WPFW FM Radio along with the works of poet Langston Hughes; poetry has been used in poetry therapy at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital and various university counseling centers; poems have been used by two fifth-grade teachers in their classrooms with their students; and poems have been published in various calendars of the National Black Child Development Institute.
Photographs Published in Educational and Professional Media
Photographs of children have been published on the cover of The Journal of Negro Education and in calendars and reports of the National Black Child Development Institute. Photograph of the American flag published on the cover of The Journal of Negro Education, summer, 2004


Presentations in Educational Video Recordings
Have presentations in the following published videos: American Counseling Association, “Multicultural Counseling Summit: A Town Meeting,” 1992; American College Personnel Association, “Blacks in American Higher Education: Two Decade Under Scrutiny: Part II,” 1986 University of South Carolina’s Distance Education and Instructional Support Video, “Transcendent Counseling: An Interview with Dr. Frederick D. Harper,” 1993.
Domestic and International Travel
ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)
BELGIUM (Brussels)
MEXICO (Acapulco)
BERMUDA (St. George and Hamilton)
SPAIN (Madrid)
SWEDEN (Stockholm)
CANADA (Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec City, Toronto, Trenton, Trois-Rivières, Vancouver)
FRANCE (Paris)
ST. MAARTEN (or St. Martin)
THE BAHAMAS (Grand Bahama and New Providence: Nassau, Paradise Island, West End, and Freeport)
INDIA (Lonavla, Mumbai)
GREECE (Athens, Thessaloniki)
IRELAND (Dublin, Kilkenny, Waterford)
THE NETHERLANDS (Amsterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Volendam)
US VIRGIN ISLANDS (St. Croix, St. John, St. Thomas)
JAMAICA (Kingston, Montego Bay)
USA (45 states, including Hawaii).
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